Radiant Heating System
Radiant heating is a technology for heating indoor and outdoor areas by using radiant energy. Radiant energy is observed every day, most commonly seen in the warmth of the sunshine hitting our skin on a clear day outside. Radiant heating as a technology is more narrowly defined as the method of intentionally using the principles of radiant heat along conductive heat

to transfer radiant energy from an emitting heat source to an object or person.
With radiant heating systems, heat energy is emitted from a warm element, such as a floor, wall or overhead panel, and warms people and other objects in rooms rather than directly heating the air. Because solid objects retain heat better than air does, the heat can store longer in the mass of a wall or tiled floor and sustain a long term release over a day. The internal air temperature for radiant heated buildings may be lower than for a conventionally heated building to achieve the same level of body comfort, when adjusted so the perceived temperature is actually the same. One of the key advantages of radiant heating systems is a much decreased circulation of air inside the room and the corresponding spreading of airborne particles, in addition to not needing to replace air filters in typical forced air systems.
The radiant heating systems we install are typically underfloor heating systems, wall heating systems, and baseboard heaters. While we usually recommend pairing a radiant heat system with solar hot water collectors (solar thermal), using them in unison with a propane or gas powered boiler or water heater is also a solid decision.